Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Factors Affecting Consumers Acceptance of the MVM Technology Research Proposal

Essays on Factors Affecting Consumers Acceptance of the MVM Technology Research Proposal The paper â€Å"Factors Affecting Consumers’ Acceptance of MVM Technology† is a  perfect example of a research proposal on marketing. This study used Kinnear and Taylor's (1996) seven stages of the research process as the backbone of this research process. Aaker et al, (2007) addressed the importance of a research framework as it provides a systematic planned approach to a research project and ensures all the aspects within the research are consistent with each other.The choice of research approach depends very much on the nature of the research. (Aaker, et al 2007; Saunders et al 2003). Generally, there are two main types of approaches; 1) the Deductive approach and 2) an Inductive approach (Saunders at al 2003; Holmes, 2001). The inductive approach begins with data collection, examining the data, followed by forming hypotheses and then construct theories. (Saundes et al, 2003). Different from an inductive approach, the Deductive approach is the process of reaching a conclusion from previously known facts (premises) and it is dependent on its premises; if the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true. Likewise, a false premise can possibly lead to false results (Crow, L.D., PhD. and Crow, A.C., PhD. 1968; Holmes S.; Woolfolk, 2001).In this study, the researcher used a quantitative approach, which consisted of a customer survey. And before carrying out the survey, a Literature review has been undertaken in order to gain a piece of better knowledge about the existing factors influencing consumers’ acceptance of MVM Technology. Creating a Literature review is essential as it helps the researcher to build up the knowledge base of the possible factors relating to this subject. (Cooper Schindler 2001; Saunders et al, 2003) It was carried out to identify the possible factors influencing customers’ attitudes and intentions towards the MVM technology based on the extended TAM model. Afterward, the research framework and hypothes es of this study were developed based on the initial findings from the Literature review, and a quantitative customer questionnaire was conducted as a test for the hypotheses.Quantitative Research Method, according to Saunders et al (2003) is a systematic scientific investigation of properties and phenomena and their relationships; most commonly used in studying natural science, social sciences, or develop and employ mathematical models, theories, and hypotheses, which pertains to a natural phenomJustification of ResearchThe purpose of this customer questionnaire is to test the research framework and hypotheses through gathering information on knowledge, attitudes, opinions, behaviors, facts and other information needed which are related to the topic or subject under study. (Radhakrishna, R.B., 2007). It allows the respondents to have more time in considering their responses carefully without interference from an interviewer (Aaker et al, 2007; Saunders et al, 2003)The result of the questionnaire should allow the researcher to find out the relationship between variables developed in the research framework through exploring customers’ experiences in using the MVM system, the relationship between the usefulness and ease of using this system and the attitude and intention towards the technology. The target populations are both U.K. and U.S. consumers who aged from 18-35 Internet users and have knowledge in computers. (The reason for choosing internet users in UK and US is because the UK and US online shopping culture are more developed (Forrester research, 2005, Mintel, 2006) compare to other countries, also MyVirtualModel is so far adopted by US and UK base E-retailers.)

Monday, December 16, 2019

De Las Casas Free Essays

In Bartolome De Las Casas’s â€Å"from The Very Brief Relation of the Devastation of the Indies† a lot of descriptive verbiage is utilized to paint a distinct picture of good vs. evil in an unjust world. Referencing the Spaniards as Christians is done with a great deal of anger, and sarcasm. We will write a custom essay sample on De Las Casas or any similar topic only for you Order Now These Spaniards performed many acts of evil as they brutally tortured, killed, and enslaved the Native American peoples. According to De Las Casas â€Å"they attacked the towns and spared neither the children nor the aged nor pregnant women nor women in childbed, not only stabbing them and dismembering them but cutting them to pieces as dealing with sheep in a slaughter house†. (40) This was such a gruesome, cruel, and violent act of murder, without regard to even those we view as pure innocence such as that of a child. This provokes the reader to feel an intense sorrow and heartache for these innocent Native Americans. De Las Casas portrays the Native American people as innocent, gentle prey to the Spaniards, thus referring to them as â€Å"sheep. † They were deemed weak in their efforts to fight back, and they were unable to seek refuge in the mountains where they tried to flee. This piece incorporates multiple biblical representations throughout as well. The â€Å"sheep† biblically represent the followers of Christ, and they are submissive followers with little to no resistance like that of the Native American peoples. However, the so-called Christian Spaniards acted like ravenous, greedy animals rather than human Christ like leaders. De Las Casas, Bartolome â€Å"from The Very Brief Relation of the Devastation of the Indies. † The Norton Anthology of American Literature 8th ed. Ed Nina Baym et al. Vol. A. New York: Norton, 2012. 38-42. How to cite De Las Casas, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Ways to avoid plagiarism ins and papers Essay Example For Students

Ways to avoid plagiarism ins and papers Essay One of the most valuable things in the modern world is ideas. That is why there are no doubts that ideas require efficient protection from the plagiarism. The word Plagiarism comes from the Latin word Plagio which stands for steal. The legal definition of this word sounds as publishing or usage of someone elses intellectual property without indicating the source and without authors consent. The objects of plagiarism can be everything from books and songs to scientific discoveries and technological inventions. The law stipulates serious penalties for plagiarists. However this shameful phenomenon is still flourishing in all the countries of the world. Custom essay writing company ProfEssays would like to warn you against using plagiarized papers downloaded from the Internet. The problem of the net plagiarism is quickly growing. Nowadays a lot of students prefer to download term papers or essays from the Internet instead of writing them on their own. But here a student encounters a number of perils: No one can guarantee you that papers and essays that youve downloaded are used for the first time. Whats more there is a possibility that it may be downloaded by the student from your college and submitted to the same tutor. It is evident that all the tutors are aware of the existence of such free collections of papers and essays. Your tutor can easily find this work on the net if there he suspects something or even know this content by heart. In this case he would have the legal grounds to demand your rewriting the paper or even try to kick you out of your college. Besides, many universities have installed the powerful anti-plagiarism software for detecting the plagiarized pieces of writing. These systems compare the text of your term paper and research papers with the Internet resources base, with other students works and also printed issues and highlighting the plagiarized passages and pointing out the original sources and authors. Then it counts the percentage of plagiarized text. The most efficient way to avoid plagiarism without writing essays and papers is to resort to custom essay writing companies. Such companies as ProfEssays caring for their reputation produces only original custom essays, custom research papers, custom term papers, custom admission essays, book reports, case studies and this list is not complete. Custom essays and papers are submitted by the deadline. Privacy is guaranteed. .

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Julius Caesar Essays (1497 words) - Julius Caesar, First Triumvirate

Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Julius Caesar was born on the thirteenth day of the month Quintilis in the year of 100 BC. His full name was Gaius Julius Caesar, the same as his father's. Gaius was his given name and Julius was his surname. He was a strong political and military leader who changed the history of the Greco-Roman world. This paper will answer the following questions: What happened during his early political career? How did he become a strong dictator of the Roman Empire? What events led up to the making of the first triumvirate? What happened during his reign as dictator of Rome? What events led up to his assassination? Julius Caesar is probably the most famous leader in history. (Grant, table of dates p.1, and foreword p.xxi) When he was young, Caesar lived through one of the worst decades in the history of Rome. The city was assaulted and captured by Roman armies twice. First, in eighty-seven BC by the leaders of the populares. (Caesar's aunt and uncle, Marius and Cinna.) Cinna was killed the year that Caesar married Cornelia. The second attack against the city happened in eighty-two BC. Marius' enemy Sulla, leader of the optimates, carried out the attack. On each occasion the massacre of political opponents was followed by the confiscation of their property. (Fowler, p.24) Caesar knew that his public speaking needed improvement, he therefore announced that he was leaving to study on the island of Rhodes. His professor was the famous Greek rhetorician, Apollonius Molon. When he was off the coast of Anatolia pirates kidnapped him. They demanded a large ransom for his return. Caesar broke free from the pirates and captured a large number of them. He then returned to Rome to engage in a normal political career. (Grant, p.9-11) In the Roman political world Pompey and Crassus challenged the dominance of the optimates. Quintus Latatius Catulus and Lucius Licinius Lucullus led the optimates. Sulla was responsible for creating their careers. Caesar married Pompeia after Cornelia's death. Then, in sixty-five BC he was appointed aedile. The aedile was in charge of the programs of the city such as games, spectacles, and shows. As aedile, Caesar gained claim to the leadership of the populares. (Grant, p.12) Before leaving Rome to govern Spain for a year, Caesar divorced his wife because of an allegation that she had been involved in the offense of Publis Clodius. Clodius was awaiting trial for breaking into Caesar's home the previous December. While on his trip to Spain, Caesar was very successful. He returned in a short time with considerable military glory and enough money to pay off all his debts. (Abbott, p.64) A short while after his trip, Caesar was elected for consul in fifty-nine BC. He joined a political alliance with Pompey and Crassus. This alliance was named the first triumvirate. Pompey possessed a great influence through his splendid abilities and military renown. Crassus was powerful through his wealth. Caesar developed a plan to reconcile them, and then of favoring himself with their united aid in accomplishing his own deeds. (Abbott, p.71) Caesar's purpose in the triumvirate was to gain a large military command. Pompey wanted a part of the eastern settlement and land allotments for his discharged troops. An agrarian bill authorizing the purchase of land for Pompey's soldiers was passed in fifty-nine BC. This law did not go over well with the senators because they were selfish with the lands they had annexed to their estates. The Senators tried to block legislation with the help of Marcus Bibulus. He postponed the voting by declaring that the heavens were unfavorable to legislation. Caesar disregarded Bibulus' behavior, and the remainder of the legislative program was carried out. (Thaddeus, p.116) Caesar had control of three provinces for five years. They were Cisalpine Gaul, Transalpine Gaul, and Illyria. Caesar became determined to conquer and rule the entirety of Gaul. After his defeat of the Belgic tribes in the north, and the submission of the maritime tribes on the Atlantic seaboard, he believed he had conquered the entire area of Gaul. Caesar then decided to make two expeditions, one across the Rhine and the second across the Straits of Dover to Britain. While in Britain, he received the submission of the supreme commander of the southeast Britons, Cassivellaunus. (Grant, p.55) In my opinion, by fifty-three BC the first triumvirate had totally broken apart. Caesar now had an extreme amount of personal power, wealth, and prestige. His relations with Pompey had ended when Caesar's daughter Julia died. (Pompey was married to Julia.) Then, Crassus left for his province of Syria with the intention of at

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Emerson Documented Paper essays

Emerson Documented Paper essays EMERSONS PHILOSOPHY OF ROMANTIC IDEALISM A psychological writer such as Ralph Waldo Emerson can be analyzed and interpreted in several different ways. A few things that may affect the way that people interpret Emerson are past experiences, time period, and social climate. Emerson has proven to be one of the most influential writers of the Romantic time period and his ideas and writings still have an active role in social views today. Emerson has published works such as Compensation, Self-Reliance, and his first published essay Nature, published in 1836. These essays serve as a gathering of Emersons ideas and morals about man and how man reacts to the world that he lives in. Emerson says, "Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution, the only wrong is against it" (Manley 1). Emerson explains his cocky point of view in this quotation about good and bad. Romanticism for Emerson was a period of time that broke down old social barriers and set new standards for society. The general attitude toward man was drastically changed; the individual became the center of life and experience. Everything that happened revolved around the individual and directly affected the individual. Also, the belief that mans experiences shape his personality and overall life was formed during Romanticism. The core of man was viewed as strictly emotion and inner perception of truth. Mans inner world was a heavily studied topic from which creativity and imagination emerged. Nature and the past were two other heavily studied parts of human life. Emerson stated that nature is a machine that can develop and change, it is beautiful yet mysterious, and most importantly many spiritual and moral lessons can be learned through experiences with nature. In other words, nature shows a parallel to man and therefore man can dir...

Friday, November 22, 2019


THE RADIO ADVANTAGE Between 1993 and 2002 I wrote and broadcast over one hundred radio pieces for CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadas public radio network). Fifty of those were humour, another fifty, scripts for conversations about folklore. Three were 12-minute features with voice and recorded sound, and fifteen were pieces about shepherding written as letters to the shows host.   Ã‚     Writing for voice is different from writing for print. Some things you simply cant say on air. For example, an early piece concerned the varied liaisons among my angora rabbits. Angora rabbits is difficult to say naturally and clearly. The first RA is the sound of RAW, the second the RA in RAT. On air I said ANGORA BUNNIES instead.  Ã‚     I learned two kinds of timing in radio. My first lesson was to keep to time, write succinctly, and condense every piece to 550-650 words. Anything else either ran over my five-to-seven minutes or had to be read too quickly to sound polished.   Ã‚     My se cond lesson was vocal timing. When you read aloud, breath matters. A sentence had to be short enough to be read aloud easily in one breath, or else break naturally for a breath. (I also learned not to pop my ps or hiss my ss on the microphone!)  Ã‚     I had to use intonation to compensate for missing visual cues, and allow pauses for the listener to react to something funny. Essentially, I learned to perform for an unseen and unheard audience. (Even if the producer laughed as I read, I couldnt hear her from the sound studio.)   Ã‚     This taught me to deliver humour on trust, believing that Id left room for a laugh or a groan in the right places. Writing humour for the page is also a matter of trust – we dont see our readers immediate reactions. When Id done thirty or so short pieces of humour, and had had feedback from listeners, I had a well-developed sense of comic timing.   Ã‚     

Thursday, November 21, 2019

European Union (EU) Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

European Union (EU) Law - Essay Example Through proceedings, ECJ judges became deeply interested to take actions against conflicts creating depression for the transnational actors and other individuals who could claim that their rights under the Treaty of Rome were being violated by existing national law or administrative practice against national legal regimes and those actors, public and private, advantaged by national rules and practices 1. The ECJ is considered to be the most accurate jurisprudent body throughout the European community. So, there is no doubt that ECJ delegation in interpreting the treaties thereby ensuring that EU law is applied correctly in the member states is wrong. Similarly the European Parliament (EP) enjoys delegated powers in the legislative process through which EU policy is created, in the budgetary process through which the EU budget is shaped and adopted, under the control and supervision of the Commission. The empirical analysis demonstrates that the ECJ being a supranational institution have played an independent role in the development of a European enforcement system that is more constraining than national governments ever intended. Dissatisfied with existing means of enforcement at the European level and with governments' reluctance to delegate more powerful instruments, the ECJ and the Commission independently created and perfected a system of decentralized supervision, whereby individuals and national courts are engaged to monitor and enforce state compliance. This system of decentralized supervision is now an integral part of European governance which has influenced the course of European integration, not only by introducing new issues to the policy agenda, as is often argued, but also by securing a higher degree of compliance with the policy decisions that indeed are taken. What can one expect from close observation of such a system in which market integration has become the principle of ECJ policy-making as a result of non-majoritarian decisions taking into account only the contribution of Member States, for example, judicial law-making and Commission decisions. The best example is the implementation of such policies, which have been inclusive without much political attention, through interventions of the European Commission against infringements of Treaty obligations, and through the decisions that goes only in favour of the Member States with initial cooperation of the ECJ2. The doctrines of 'direct effect' and 'supremacy' have brought about the 'constitutionalization' in the ECJ law in the form of unseen competition and that even between individual stakeholders and Member States 3. It is considered those stakeholders' contribution matters the same way in policies implementation as that of Member States, however this is not the case. The ECJ along with the help of Commission has collectively sought out to shift the gravity in EU enforcement toward greater reliance on decentralized supervision through national courts. Exploiting its judicial independence and the absence of intrusive government control, it is said that the ECJ has strengthened the remedies available to individuals. ECJ has created a legal order in which individuals uphold the same rights as the Member States. However, the critical

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Vietnam War Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Vietnam War - Term Paper Example The former imperialistic Roman Empire should serve as an example of how this cause and effect scenario plays out. A similar destiny awaits America if it refuses to stop repeating the rationalizations for military involvement that kept it in Vietnam for a decade. A result of justifications emanating from Cold War, anti-communism attitudes, Vietnam became the standard by which limitations of the American military can be measured. Following the U.S. victory over the Japanese in 1945, the U.S. and former Soviet Union became engaged in a politically ideological battle that enveloped much of the rest of the world, the Cold War. Communism was clearly America’s adversary and after the Soviets build the Berlin Wall and continued to dominate other Eastern European countries, which became known as ‘satellite’ nations of the Soviets, the U.S. decided to not allow communism to spread into far Southeast Asia for motivations that remain unclear. Though the U.S. used the atomic b omb in Asia less than 20 years earlier, it deployed thousands of troops to the jungles of Vietnam during the decade-long ‘police action’ despite pleas by some that ground troops were necessary only after ‘the bomb’ was dropped in a clean-up role. The fiasco of Vietnam instigated an anti-military response from the majority of American citizens which contributed to the Cold War’s end. ... isolationism at the ending of the 19th century to its status as the sole remaining superpower, has always been centered on the promotion and conservation of its own interests and ‘the advancement of civilization,’ the exercise of power to assert itself beyond the bounds of the American continents in ‘the interest of civilization and of humanity’ and its own selfish interests.† (Olney, 2004) This period of military re-evaluation lasted from the end of the Vietnam War in 1973 until the invasion of Iraq in March of 2003. The U.S. entered the Vietnam conflict to bring democracy to the oppressed indigenous population (the official reason) very optimistic of securing a quick victory. Unsurprisingly, the U.S. went into Vietnam War with somewhat of an arrogant attitude thinking that the North Vietnamese army would soon bow to the mighty American military machine and that South Vietnam would willingly accept and adjust to a westernized style system of governmen t. According to Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State under President Nixon, America entered Vietnam with a â€Å"brash confidence in the universal applicability of America’s prescriptions.† (Kissinger,2003) The paradoxical epilogue to Vietnam was that America went into this bloody, horrifying and long-term war believing it would be the noble liberator of the South Vietnamese. The U.S. did this without appreciating the obvious fact that the South Vietnamese people had been fighting for liberation from a North Vietnamese government which represented the same imperialistic way of thinking as the American government. (Ignatieff, 2003) The U.S. failed in Vietnam not because it lacked military capability but because it did not understand the enemy. Although the U.S. marched in with a tremendous military

Saturday, November 16, 2019

World War Ii and Military Organized Women Essay Example for Free

World War Ii and Military Organized Women Essay 1. The reason for mentioning WWI soldiers is during The Depression soldiers from WWI wanted a bonus that was promised them but wanted it early since they along with millions of others were facing desperate times. Not only did the government refuse to pay them but also the protest marches by the former soldiers were broken up and the camps they slept in burned. The song in general refers to how people were well employed building the country up before the economic collapse ended up literally begging for money or food just to survive. 2. Relief: Immediate action taken to halt the economies weakening. FDR authorized almost $5 million to implement work-relief programs. Hoping to lift the country out of the crippling Great Depression, Congress allowed the president to use the funds at his discretion. The act was unparalleled and remains the largest system of public-assistance relief programs in the nation’s history. Recovery: Temporary programs to restart the flow of consumer demand. FDR created programs focused on stabilizing the economy by creating long-term employment opportunities, decreasing agricultural supply to drive prices up, and helping homeowners pay mortgages and stay in their homes, which also kept the banks solvent. Reform: Permanent programs to avoid another depression and insure citizens against economic disasters. Reforms targeted the causes of the depression and sought to prevent a crisis like it from happening again. In other words,  financially rebuilding the U.S. while ensuring not to repeat history. 3. For African Americans during the war, businesses were beginning to boom at the time. Because very small percentage of African Americans fought in the war, it made jobs available. After WWII African American business owners and families had enough money to move out of crowded inner cities and into the suburbs. Of coarse, the migration of African American families to suburban areas led to white families relocating, which led to vacant homes resulting in lower property value in neighborhoods. This had social-economic impact on African American communities as the racial attitudes of the time still persist. Women: it gave them the ability to join the work force. Prior to WWII, women stayed home and took care of domestic affairs, or worked as nurses, secretaries, or teachers. Women during the war had to replace male workers who fought. When the men returned home women commonly went back to their traditional roles, while some remained at their jobs. Although, it still wasnt acceptable for women to work jobs typically done by men, the war allowed women to prove that they can. Japanese Americans were ostracized and put into concentration camps during WWII. After the war many people distrusted the Japanese and other Asian ethnicity in America for a while, which made it hard for them to advance. The treatment of Japanese Americans during and after the war isn’t our proudest moment and is seldom mentioned in our countries history. 4. Foreign Policy: Harding spurned the League of Nations and negotiated peace treaties with Germany and Austria. His greatest foreign policy achievement came in the Washington Naval Conference of 1921–22, in which the worlds major naval powers agreed on a naval limitations program that held sway for a decade. Xenophobia: Harding believed that the less we were involved in foreign  affairs the better. While he did deviate from this on several occasions his foreign policies were always directed towards reducing the chances of being involved in another conflict. Business in America: Harding followed a predominantly pro-business, conservative Republican agenda. Taxes were reduced, particularly for corporations and wealthy individuals; high protective tariffs were enacted; and immigration was limited. Harding signed the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, which streamlined the federal budget system and established the General Accounting Office to audit government expenditures. Section 2: The war had a dramatic impact on women. The sudden appearance of large numbers of women in uniform was easily the most visible change. The military organized women into auxiliary units with special uniforms, their own officers, and, amazingly, equal pay. By 1945, more than 250,000 women had joined the Womens Army Corps (WAC), the Army Nurses Corps, and Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service (WAVES), the Navy Nurses Corps, the Marines, and the Coast Guard. Most women who joined the armed services either filled traditional womens roles, such as nursing, or replaced men in non-combat jobs. During World War I, the first demonstrations were held to give women the right to vote. Women also substituted for men on the home front. For the first time in history, married working women outnumbered single working women as 6.3 million women entered the work force during the war. The war challenged the conventional image of female behavior, as Rosie the Riveter became the popular symbol of women who abandoned traditional female occupations to work in defense industries. Social critics had a field day attacking women. Social workers blamed working mothers for the rise in juvenile delinquency during the war. On top of everything else there were shortages: food, clothing, transportation, cosmetics and eligible men. There were long hours of hard work, there were sons, husbands and fathers to bury. Women had their share of problems, but they survived and persevered. In closing the world wars changed America in many ways. Both the roles of men and women changed drastically and still to this day most of those changes are still taking affect in society.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Euthanasia Essay - Physician-Assisted Suicide :: Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide

Views on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide      Ã‚   This essay explores the views of doctors, of the general public, and of the original Hippocratic Oath on the practices of euthanasia and assisted suicide. Considerable reference material is employed - from professional sources.    Regarding the views of physicians on euthanasia and assisted suicide, it is difficult to get a true picture of physicians views from articles in newspapers or from journal review articles. Since euthanasia and assisted suicide are new and a challenge to established values, a report about a single physician practicing assisted suicide is more likely to get published than a report that members of a large physicians' organization reaffirms traditional values. Physicians that practice euthanasia and assisted suicide have been more outspoken and vociferous since many consider themselves as pioneers. Whereas many physicians who continue to practice with traditional ethics, see no need to advertise this fact. Even if one reads consensus statements from medical ethics groups one may get a biased idea of the mainstream views of physicians. These statements are usually written by a small group of physicians, many of whom are active in ethics groups because they want to see change. Several arti cles have been published that poll doctors' views on euthanasia and assisted suicide, and these are likely to get closer to the real views of doctors. In a survey of doctors on management of the persistent vegetative state, 35% of doctors would never withdraw feeding or nutrition and 28% would always treat an acute infection or other life-threatening condition (1).    In a survey of 355 oncologists, the majority found euthanasia or assisted suicide unacceptable. However one in seven oncologists had actually carried out euthanasia or assisted suicide (2). 37% of physicians who look after AIDS patients would be unlikely to assist a patient with established AIDS to commit suicide but 48% said they would be likely to do so (3). 48% of 1355 physicians in Washington state agree that euthanasia is never ethically justified but 33% said they would be willing to perform euthanasia (4). 40% of 1119 Michigan physicians involved in the care of terminally ill patients were in favor of legalization of assisted suicide and 17% favored prohibition of assisted suicide. 22% of physicians would participate in either assisted suicide or euthanasia (5).    Regarding the views of the general public toward these two practices, two-thirds of oncology patients and of the public consider euthanasia and assisted suicide acceptable for cancer patients with unremitting pain (6).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Medicaid Essay Essay

As I understood Medicaid are those personal cares services which are fundamental, non-acute services provided to facilitate recipients who require assistance with the activities of daily living to remain in their home or community, maintain their current health status and prevent, delay, or minimize deterioration of their condition. Personal care services are intended to supplement care provided by a recipient’s family or primary caregiver, not replace it. Services may be provided in the home or in setting outside the home, when necessary. The government took an active role in the economy during the 1960’s and 1970’s. In order to stimulate the economy, they ran annual budgets in a conscious attempt to spend more than they collected in revenue. Spending, inflation, and budget deficits were viewed as calculated efforts in expanding the economy. As a result this application Medicaid was created in 1965. Medicaid is a social program which provides health and medical assistance to families with low incomes and resources. Medicaid is funded by both the Federal Government and individual states. Each state is responsible for developing its own guidelines which must include: legibility, amount of services to be available, rate of payments for services, and administering its own programs. These conditions vary from state to state and are subject to change on a yearly basis. The qualifications of Medicaid recipients may differ according to each state’s guidelines Medicaid is the largest program run by the Federal Government and states that assists low income families that can not otherwise afford the high costs of health care. Medicaid pays for more services for which Medicare does not. Medicaid rules vary depend on each state. Medicaid information is accessible at your local district social services, interests or Department of Human Services Offices. In many states, Medicaid covers services and costs Medicare do not cover, including prescription drugs, diagnostic and  preventive care and eyeglasses. In some states, Medicaid charges consumers small amounts for certain services. In New England, for example the deficits are causing government directors to turn to cuts in many critical areas, including health department budgets. The states are in the point of making difficult decisions that will certainly have lethal affects on the health care system. The Congress should support short term fiscal relief to help the state through this budget crisis. Through fiscal year in 2003 Budget Ax hit Medicaid for second time, approximately every state has targeted health insurance programs for the poor, elderly and disabled to balance sever budget deficits, and two thirds of those states are on their second round of such cuts. One of the reason states are targeting Medicaid programs for cuts, is because health care programs are the most likely to be over budget. A proposition of eliminating health care coverage for about 300,000 low income parents by lowering the eligibility sill from 100% of the poverty level to 61% was held in California. Also New Jersey has started the phase out conscription for stumpy profits parents in the state’s joint Medicaid. Tennessee has already implemented changes that will abolish health care treatment for between 160,000 and 250,000 adults and children. Oklahoma lawmakers have accepted cuts to Medicaid that will quickly cause about 80,000 children, adults, seniors, and disabled people to be dropped from coverage, as well as near elimination of the state’s plan. More than one quarter of adult Medicaid enrolls have at least one chronic condition. They often finish taking conflicting medications. Florida is a good example of heavily touted cost savings are proving elusive in several states that have tried the approach. There are so many poor and disabled people on Missouri’s Medicaid program that would chip in for their medical costs under one money saving measure proposed by Governor Bob Holden. He recommended $280 million in budget cuts and savings and a part of it to changes related to the Medicaid health insurance program. Most of the Missouri’s Medicaid recipients do not pay for doctor’s visits, although many do pay co payments on prescription drugs. The Missouri Medicaid Program  provides health care access to low income people who are 65’s or over, blind, disabled, or members of families with dependent children. The Missouri Medicaid program is jointly financed by the federal government and Missouri State Government, and is administered by the State of Missouri, charged with administration of the Medicaid program is the Division of Medical Services, a division within the Department of Social Services. The state also has a limited medical assistance program which is funded with General Revenue and Blind Pension funds. In Washington, said that two thirds of the states are cutting Medical benefits, increasing co payments, restricting eligibility or removing poor people from the rolls because of soaring costs and plunging revenues. A new survey of all fifty states, finds that 16 are cutting Medicaid benefits, fifteen are restricting or reducing eligibility and four are increasing the co payments charged to beneficiaries. Medicaid provides health care for more than 40 million people, at an annual cost of more that $250 billion. The federal government and the states share cost, which rose 13 percent in the last fiscal year, the biggest increase. Washington State and Oregon took pride in expanding Medicaid and other health programs a decade ago, but now are wrestling with the unlikable alternative of whether to cut benefits or end legibility for some recipients. In California, proposed cutbacks that would remove nearly 500,000 low income parents from Medicaid, and state officials say even more saving will be needed. New Jersey is curtailing coverage for low income parents, by stridently dropping the greatest profits for new applicants. In Connecticut, the governs, recently planned eliminating coverage for thousands of parents in households with incomes from 100 percent to 150 percent of the deficiency level. States are giving some flexibility in providing coverage to its needy citizens because of the cost of the Medicaid program is shared by the state and federal governments. An individual who is chosen in South Carolina is not necessarily eligible in another state. South Carolina pays its physicians among the lowest Medicaid fees in the country, which is especially hard on doctors who treat a high proportion of patients who are enrolled in the program. Medicaid is already the largest and the fastest  growing element of most state budgets. This had made it a prime target of cost cutting efforts that nearly every states is now undertaking to make up for large budget shortfalls. Some states like South Carolina, have included, Medicaid cuts as part of across the board spending reductions. Others, such as Indiana and Illinois, have specifically targeted their Medicaid programs for reduction of hundreds of millions of dollars. There are many reasons for variation in Medicaid coverage and expenditures, these variations incentives that are inherent in the federal matching formula. But they also reflect a state’s ability to pay for these services, its political philosophy toward welfare families, and its recent efforts to expand coverage to pregnant women and children. The states make different decision with regard to coverage and benefits in both acute and long term care. Medicaid financed together by the federal government and the states, is the major foundation of health care funding for the low profits population in the United States. While states have considerable flexibility within federal guidelines, Medicaid programs differ across states in the numbers of community they cover and the amounts they splurge on services.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Statement of Career Goals

As an international student from the Taiwan, my primary career objective is to become a financial analyst specializing in accounting information systems for a multinational corporation. My desire to pursue a career for a multinational company does not merely represent a motivation to generate profits on my side. Far more essential, I feel that a com/strategic-management-and-competitive-advantage/">multinational setting can realize the potential of becoming a truly ethnical entity for globalization, mutual understanding and the extension of opportunity. In a manner of speaking, my career goal lays in the belief that I can help transform the international market from its highly profit-centered orientation into a more people-centered endeavor. While I do not hold the legitimate way of making money as contradictory to the ethical norms business, I nevertheless feel that working to ensure that the people’s welfare is met in the conduct of fair business is a duty second to none. Concretely, I seek to use my multi-cultural background to help develop ties among businesses and cause-oriented sectors. This I believe I can do by framing ways to increase interactions between profit making companies and non-profit or charitable sectors. Global corporations in America, for instance, have already donated millions to international charities. From such benevolence, I take inspiration in my desire to promote similar ties. By capitalizing on my multi-cultural background, as well as my meaningful working experiences related to finance and technology, on top of my ten-year commitment to charitable organizations, I believe that I can direct my future goals to clarify my idea of success. I intend to build on these accomplishments specifically by helping businesses thrive in a competitive global market, by exploiting information systems to perform increasingly more sophisticated, powerful and accurate analyses. I have already assisted a charitable organization to minimize its costs by helping them to digitize their data. I too have performed similar functions for profit-driven businesses which I have had the privilege of working with in Taipei. My desire to join the pool of a truly talented multinational workforce comes with a sense of relevance on my part. For one, Asia is fast becoming a hub for global financial communication. In view of such development, I believe that my Asian background and language skills will be invaluable to the current trend of global business. The dependency of many American firms on East Asian economies will surely demand people – Asians specifically – who play key roles in efforts to achieve powerful work ethics. As indeed, many competent Asians shall be asked to assist American businessmen in respect to the mutual cooperation within the vast business industry. Since I myself am an Asian, I am of the firm opinion that that success in the international field depends on a strong knowledge of Asian culture and ways of life. In a global economy, understanding cross-cultural communication is as essential as competent grasp of Math and/or English. Furthermore, information systems are at the center of international business nowadays. And I want to continue to learn about their functioning, evolution and their future, as this will maintain itself at the center of global communication. I want to learn more about the process of financial analysis in general, as well as technologies that can make such analysis more accurate, convenient, efficient and powerful in particular. Since I already have some knowledge and expertise in this area, I believe I will flourish in the classroom and be in a position to contribute to discussions. I envision creating group projects in which my peers and I demonstrate how, say companies can use the information systems available in new world markets. Among others, I am interested in learning new ways to apply accuracy of information systems if only business organizations can become more efficient. I define efficiency as the ability frame strategies so as to get the most results from the smallest amount of work. Far more critical, I want to learn the ways of efficiency since it will permit firms to use labor in a more humane way, especially in the developing world. Reforms in the labor market can only develop when firms are confident that they are getting the most out of their workers. Hence, the efficient use of labor and resources lies at the center of labor market reform. For me, business is ethics; without it, businesses are merely machines for exploitation. One of the great learning unearthed by globalization lays in the need for comprehensive labor reform – i. e. , forming a mindset that treats human persons neither as resources nor means to make money, but as ends. This ethical view can only help business become more humanitarian yet competitive in many respects. In view of such felt need, I believe that my extensive travels, diverse experiences, and sound grasp of the languages can summarily give me a unique ability to serve for a multinational setting. I do have significant experiences both in terms of community philanthropy as well as in international business. Which is why, and on a more personal level, I want to meet new people in the course of my employment. My frequent travels have made me realize that I am a citizen of the world; and I have come to understand different cultures even when economics does in fact greatly color my orientation in respect to future work and life goals. My long-term career goal is to make the world smaller. This might sound strange, but I hold to the view that international business is a benign force, a force that brings people together, provides opportunities where none exists, and even may help to contribute to world peace. Businesses seek peace and common welfare; not warfare or ethnic and religious tension. An interconnected world is a sure route to world peace. And the ease of communications is important in relation to this trend. Hence, I see my future profession as both ethically consistent and relevantly attuned to the demands of the signs of the times. Essay II: Statement of Need I grew up in an environment where hard work was stressed above all. At a young age, I was expected to get a job and assist in fulfilling certain household tasks. In ways more than one, failure was never an option. I was expected to work hard, interact ethically with others, and make myself as unobtrusive as possible. None of these were ever interpreted as being a wallflower. To the contrary, I was raised in an environment where professional duties, no matter how menial, are given higher premium than most. This is because my family fostered the values of dedication and hard work, as well as keeping a sense of history and setting high the bar of excellence in facing challenges. I have reasons to think that nearly all things about my upbringing were goal oriented. Hard-work was always underscored; idleness always shunned. In the same manner, labor for our family was considered a means of building character and goal-oriented personality. As a way to concretely cite the case in point, I took upon myself the tall challenge of working full shift while learning English simultaneously. I took cue from the inspiration lent by my parents, as they were the ones who taught me that â€Å"multi-lingualism† was central to being successful in business. In fact, they encouraged multiculturalism because it does not entail that one’s tradition were to be abandoned or watered down by some vulgar, polyglot, or identity-less morass. To the contrary, multiculturalism was to manifest one’s own culture more actively and more tolerantly, being that it fully appreciates the distinctness and uniqueness of one’s tradition. While the phrase is surely overused, I have reasons to think that I was, in my own concrete way, living the American dream long before I arrived here in the United States of America. This is because I simultaneously held a job while working hard to ensure succeeding in high school back when I was in Taiwan. I have had a fair share of life’s struggles; I would run home after school, quickly change my outfit and, after grabbing a snack, proceed hastily to work at a restaurant within Hilton Hotel. I was like living two different lives in one day – i. . an ordinary high school student in the morning and a professional thereafter. That being said, I take pride in managing the routine so well in that moving between school and work soon became second nature to me. But while I have many good reasons to think that I can face similar challenges here in the United States, my visa unfortunately does not permit me to work and study at the same time. To this end, I am currently unemp loyed, not because I had choice, but because the nature of my visa would not permit to work in this country yet. My situation is therefore precarious. As an international student, I have many obstacles to overcome. While the fact that I am able to study in this country is in itself a blessing to be grateful about, I am always left anxious about keeping an acceptable and decent lifestyle while I am in course of pursuing my studies. If truth be said, the living expenses here in the United States are high; more importantly, tuition costs here in Michigan is higher than for most Americans. Strictly speaking, I am spending about $32,000 annually to defray my tuition expenses. And I must cover all of these expenses by myself, as I am living alone. One can only therefore surmise that the aggregate costs of basic living, daily food, apartment rentals, clothing allowance, provisions for books, necessary computer equipments, among others are just very high. Since the American government forbids that I engage in any professional work while studying, I believe that I can do little to support myself financially. At present, I receive a small sum of money from my family in Taiwan; the amount of support that I am able to receive is quite minimal. My father is 65 years of age and has retired from his profession. In fact, his savings are now almost depleted. In addition, our family has already mortgaged our home in China so as to assist me in my studies. My personal savings from my previous work in Taiwan is also almost completely exhausted. My other option is to go heavily into debt, which I am already doing. Unfortunately, I cannot have this continue. Hence, this scholarship is extremely important to me. And I am willing to work hard if only to prove that I do deserve to be helped on account of my qualifications as well as exigencies. Since coming to the United States, I have maintained a GPA of 3. 6 at the University of Michigan and Mercer University. I need to also mention that I have consistently maintained my position in the Dean’s List for many years. Ever since I have been here in Michigan, I have met people from all over the world; and I value these fruitful encounters precisely because of the learning that these people have left me with. In applying for International Business, I seek to continue learning from as many fronts as possible – i. . , from the peoples of different walks of life in general, and the University in particular. Hence, I wish to categorically state my willingness to learn, and let the committee know that money that shall be spent on me would never go wasted. America has done much for me. But my struggles continue. I do not view these as barriers however. To the contrary, I see them as welcome opportunities. My life has been one of hard work and struggle. As indeed, my lif e here at Michigan is just one more phase of this struggle. The struggles are some of my most precious memories; for only though hardship can we truly learn and grow. Without them, I would not become as sharp or hard working as I am today. Struggles keep one’s heart strong and tenacious. As of this writing however, my financial standing has come to a critical point that I need the help of the University and the scholarships available in order to help me to continue my studies. I am more than certain that, when given this rare privilege, the University community will not regret extending their helping hand to me.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Exercise, College Grades, and Graduation Rates

Exercise, College Grades, and Graduation Rates You already know that regular exercise is important for controlling weight and avoiding a variety of health conditions. But it can also improve your academic performance. And, if youre a distance learning student, you may miss out on some of the opportunities for physical activity afforded to more traditional students who routinely walk around campus. But it’s well worth the effort to plan for it schedule exercise into your daily regimen.   Regular Exercisers Have Higher GPAs and Graduation Rates Jim Fitzsimmons, Ed.D, director of Campus Recreation and Wellness at the University of Nevada, Reno, tells ThoughtCo, â€Å"What we know is students who exercise regularly- at least 3 times a week- at an intensity of eight times resting (7.9 METS) graduate at higher rates, and earn, on average, a full GPA point higher than their counterparts who do not exercise.† The study, published in the Journal of Medicine Science in Sports Medicine, defines physical activity as at least 20 minutes of vigorous movement (at least 3 days a week) that produces sweat and heavy breathing, or moderate movement for at least 30 minutes that doesn’t produce sweat and heavy breathing (at least 5 days a week). Think you don’t have time to exercise? Mike McKenzie, PhD, chair of Exercise Physiology Sports Medicine at Winston-Salem State University, and president-elect of the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, tells ThoughtCo, â€Å"A group led by Dr. Jennifer Flynn investigated this during her time at Saginaw Valley State and found that students who studied over three hours per day were 3.5 times more likely to be exercisers.† And McKenzie says, â€Å"Students with a GPA above 3.5 were 3.2 times more likely to be regular exercisers than those with GPAs under 3.0.† Over a decade ago, McKenzie said researchers discovered a link between exercise, concentration, and focus in children. â€Å"A group at Oregon State led by Dr. Stewart Trost found significantly improved concentration, memory, and behavior in school-aged children compared to kids who had additional lesson time.†Ã‚   More recently, a study by Johnson Johnson Health and Wellness Solutions reveals that even short â€Å"microbursts† of physical activity throughout the day can have positive effects. Jennifer Turgiss, DrPH, vice president of Behavioral Science and Analytics at Johnson Johnson Health and Wellness Solutions, tells ThoughtCo that sitting for long periods of time – which college students are prone to do- can have a negative health effect. â€Å"However, our study found that five-minute bouts of walking every hour had a positive impact on mood, fatigue, and hunger at the end of a day,† Turgiss says.   This may be particularly beneficial to students who also work a full-time job and study in the evening and nighttime hours. â€Å"Having more mental and physical energy at the end of a day that requires a lot of sitting, such as a student’s day, can leave them with more personal resources to do other activities,† Turgiss concludes. So How Does Exercise Improve Academic Performance? In his book, Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, John Ratey, a Harvard professor of psychiatry, writes, â€Å"Exercise stimulates our gray matter to produce Miracle-Gro for the brain.† A study by researchers at the University of Illinois found that physical activity increased the ability of elementary school students to pay attention, and also increased their academic performance. Exercise lowers stress and anxiety while increasing focus. â€Å"Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) which plays a role in memory is significantly elevated after an intense bout of exercise,† according to Fitzgerald. â€Å"This is a fairly deep subject with both physiologic and psychological factors at play,† he explains. In addition to affecting a student’s cognitive skills, exercise improves academic performance in other ways. Dr. Niket Sonpal, assistant professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, tells ThoughtCo that exercise causes three human physiology and behavior changes.   1. Exercise Requires Time Management Sonpal believes that students who don’t schedule a time to exercise tend to be unstructured and also don’t schedule time to study. â€Å"That is why gym class in high school was so important; it was practice for the real world,† Sonpal says. â€Å"Scheduling personal workout time forces college students to also schedule study time and this teaches them the importance of block timing, and prioritization of their studies.† 2. Exercise Combats Stress Several studies have proven the link between exercise and stress. â€Å"Vigorous exercise a few times a week reduces your stress levels, and likely reduces cortisol, which is a stress hormone,† Sonpal says. He explains that these reductions are vitally important to college students. â€Å"Stress hormones inhibit memory production and your ability to sleep: two key things needed to score high on exams.†Ã‚   3. Exercise Induces Better Sleep Cardiovascular exercise leads to a better quality of sleep. â€Å"Better sleep means moving your studies from short term to long term memory during REM,† Sonpal says. â€Å"That way, on test day you remember that teeny tiny fact that gets you the scores you need.† It’s tempting to think you’re so busy that you can’t afford to exercise. However, the exact opposite is true: you can’t afford not to exercise. Even in you cant commit to 30-minute sessions, 5- or 10-minute spurts during the course of the day could make a significant difference in your academic performance.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Absolute Beginner English Daily Habits and Routines

Absolute Beginner English Daily Habits and Routines After students have completed this lesson they will be able to complete most basic linguistic functions (giving personal information, identifying and basic description skills, talking about basic daily tasks, and how often those tasks are done). While there is obviously a lot more learning to be done, students can now feel confident that they have a strong base on which to build in the future. With this lesson, you can help students begin speaking in longer phrases by having them prepare a talk on their daily activities that they can then read or recite to their fellow classmates and which can then be used as the basis for questions. Part 1: Introduction Give the students a sheet with various times of the day. For example: 7:007:308:0012:003:305:006:3011:00 Add a list of verbs they are familiar with on the board. You may want to write a few examples on the board. For example: 7.00 - get up7.30 - eat breakfast8.00 - go to work Teacher: I usually get up at 7 oclock. I always go to work at 8 oclock. I sometimes have a break at half past three. I usually come home at five oclock. I often watch TV at eight oclock. etc. (Model your list of daily activities to the class two or more times.) Teacher: Paolo, what do I often do at eight oclock in the evening? Student(s): You often watch TV. Teacher: Susan, when do I go to work? Student(s): You always go to work at 8 oclock. Continue this exercise around the room asking students about your daily routine. Pay special attention to the placement of the adverb of frequency. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer accenting what the student should have said. Part II: Students Talk About Their Daily Routines Ask students to fill out the sheet about their daily habits and routines. When students are finished they should read their list of daily habits to the class. Teacher: Paolo, please read. Student(s): I usually get up at seven oclock. I seldom have breakfast at half past seven. I often go shopping at 8 oclock. I usually have coffee at 10 oclock. etc. Ask each student to read their routine in class, let students read all the way through their list and take note of any mistakes they may make. At this point, students need to gain confidence when speaking for an extended period of time and should, therefore, be allowed to make mistakes. Once the student has finished, you can correct any mistakes he or she may have made. Part III: Asking Students About Their Daily Routines Ask students to once again read about their daily routine to the class. After each student has finished, ask the other students questions about that students daily habits. Teacher: Paolo, please read. Student(s): I usually get up at seven oclock. I seldom have breakfast at half past seven. I often go shopping at eight oclock. I usually have coffee at 10 oclock. etc. Teacher: Olaf, when does Paolo usually get up? Student(s): He gets up at 7 oclock. Teacher: Susan, how does Paolo go shopping at 8 oclock? Student(s): He often goes shopping at 8 oclock. Continue this exercise around the room with each of the students. Pay special attention to the placement of the adverb of frequency and the correct usage of the third person singular. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer accenting what the student should have said.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Employee Relation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Employee Relation - Essay Example This paper discusses the employee relations in a public sector organization – the UK Firefighters. The UK Firefighters has always been associated with the heroism and skills of largely working class masculinity but the firefighters’ dispute gave it a different dimension – conflict and dispute of class and gender (Kaplan, 2000). This was one of the longest and the most serious industrial disputes in British history (Dinan, Ford, McConnell & Pyper, 2006). While the reasons for the dispute were many, when it precipitated a public safety emergency, the government was forced to deploy emergency plans. This was the first national strike by firefighters in 25 years and had several complex themes and issues intertwined together. The dispute had started in May 2002 when the Fire Brigades Union lodged a 40% pay claim which was rejected by the local authority employers. The local authorities were prepared to offer 4% pay increase and also link future increases to national pay deals. By September when the government felt that the negotiations were not heading anywhere, it sough t an independent review. Based on the recommendations of the Bain Report, the government then added 7% as modernization package and also announced certain other benefits in working patterns and local pay additions. The FBU did not agree to any of these recommendations and first initiated a 48-hour strike in November followed by an eight-day strike from November 22. The FBU staged a series of walk-outs and pickets across Britain, suspending the national cover fire and forcing army ‘green goddesses’ to step in (Edwards, 2007). The two main issues at the heart of the dispute were – pay increase to be comparable or at par with other public services and the government led agenda of modernization based on the Bain Report was taken as an attack on the way that firefighters worked. The two issues were however interlinked because the modernization proposals linked pay to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Market Failures in Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Market Failures in Microeconomics - Essay Example This is basically the study of interaction between the individual buyers and the sellers and the factors that cause them to make their buying or selling decisions. In an ideal world an equilibrium is achieved in the market, meaning only the amount of goods demanded is being supplied while fully utilizing all the available resources and the whole society benefits. It must be realized that in the real world a "perfect economy" never exists. Recognizing the truth that is not a perfect world, let's examine a few factors which usually end up disturbing the market equilibrium henceforth causing a market failure. A market failure is any condition in which the quantity of goods/services demanded by the consumer is not equal to the quantity supplied by the suppliers. This quantity can be less or more than the market demand. A few such factors which can cause a market failure are agents gaining market power, externalities and sometimes a market failure is caused due to the nature of goods/serv ices or their nature of exchange. These are the main three factors which break the equilibrium and cause a market failure. What does "an agent gaining market power" mean to an individual This term simply refers to the some individuals or firms having certain advantages over the others, which is the basis for the market equilibrium to break and therefore causing a market failure. ... ies such as selective price cutting, buyouts, and massive advertising to block entry and competition from even the most innovative new firms and existing rivals. Moreover, rent-seeking dominant firms have been known to persuade government to give them tax breaks, subsidies, and tariff protection that strengthens their market powers" (Brue, McConnell and R.R 256). For instance a firm maybe able to price their goods in such a way so that it is beneficial to them but hurting the competition. From the individuals' point of view, certain groups which require occupational licensing (such as doctors, pilots etc.) are favored. Only the licensed group can obtain high income levels, therefore these groups end up with the advantage of gaining market power, referring to buying power. The basic principle of any perfect society is equality. When a buyer or a seller disturbs the equality principle by gaining market power, this breaks the equilibrium and henceforth causes a market failure. Certain o utcomes, such as monopoly, can be very harmful to the consumers. If a firm is able to price their product in a such a way that benefits them, this can literally cause the competition to be driven out of business. Once there is no competition left, the firm is free to overcharge, harming the consumers. This situation can be prevented through government policies and regulations. One such example of prevention is The Competition Act of 1998 in UK, which prevents any anti-competition agreements between businesses. An other factors that can contribute to a market failure are externalities. An externality of an economic transaction is an impact on a participant that is not directly engaged in the transaction. In such circumstances, costs do not reflect the full value or gains in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Knowledge Management literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Knowledge Management literature review - Essay Example This research will use the mixed-method design, but will lean more toward the evidences that have been quoted in various knowledge management studies. Since the Knowledge management area of study is relatively new area of study not much of quantitative information is readily available in free domain. This will be the primary limitation of the research submission. The primary and most important source used for this literature review is book named 'The Handbook of Knowledge Management written by Thomas J. Beckman, a research scholar from The George Washington University, Baltimore country. The main reason for considering this book as a primary source is that it serves the role as a key reference book in integrating views of researchers in and practitioners of knowledge management. Even though the field of knowledge management is evolving and is still maturing, this book is considered as a first step in helping to formulate methodologies, techniques, and practices for making knowledge management a sound field (Beckman, 2003). Professor D. Neef of the Management Decisions (Venters W. , 2008) Institute feels that "In order to understand Knowledge Management, it is necessary to see the subject within the broader context of the enormous changes taking place in the global economic framework itself" (Neef, 1999). Alfred Marshall, a forefather of neo-classical economics (Venters W. , 2001), was one of the earliest authors to state explicitly the importance of knowledge within economic affairs; "Capital consists in a great part of knowledge and organisation knowledge is our most powerful engine of production (Marshall, 1965)." All the above stated definitions form the basis for the evolution of Knowledge Management as a separate branch of study. But this view of looking at the subject was contrasted (Nonaka, 1995) by some researchers like Nonaka and Takeuchi as they feel that neo-classical economists only consider the utilization of the existing knowledge and they are not very concerned and particular about creation of new knowledge (Venters W. , 2001). Another important material which was helpful in this research is The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management (Smith M. E., 2005). It is a state-of-art international handbook about the emerging field of Knowledge Management which occupies a central position in the fields of contemporary management and organizational theory. The author of the book has drawn together analyses and critical commentary from the leading experts on organizational learning and knowledge management around the world. Links are made to existing bodies of theory in the root disciplines of economics, psychology and social theory, while the challenging implications for research and future paths of inquiry are outlined and discussed (Smith E. , 2005). The special issue on Knowledge Management and e-research technologies is another material that has been of great help in working on this paper (Venters W. , 2008). This special issue of Knowledge Management Research & Practice will focus on the role of technology within wider debates on knowledge management. Information and Communication technologies lend themselves to the capture, transfer and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

John Locke Argue That Private Property Philosophy Essay

John Locke Argue That Private Property Philosophy Essay Almost all modern notions of private property and its legislation is based on arguments advocated by John Locke . His theory has been applied to the property rights of physical and intellectual objects -even extending to international law- however, various interpretations of his opinions exist (Nozick, 1974, pp. 167-182; Tuckness, 2011; Waldron, 2002, pp. 152-184; Widerquist, 2010, pp. 3-4).  [1]  These analyses range from MacPhersons class-based capitalism to Waldrons limited ownership rights and also see James Tully argue that Locke promoted limits of civil society (Discourse on Property, 1980, pp. 131-150; Widerquist, 2010, pp. 3-5). This paper aims to give an account of John Lockes argument for property rights as described in his book The Two Treatises of Civil Government and then critically analyse it to establish its political philosophy and likely consequences. In conclusion it will argue that as various -and often incompatible and contradictory- interpretations of his theory have been suggested and incorporated in different political ideologies, it is impossible to ascribe a certain set of political consequences to the right to private property as advocated by Locke.  [2]   First assumptions First, let us follow Locke in his argument that private property is a natural human right. He begins by assuming that it is a right intended in nature and commanded by God that mankind should preserve itself (Locke, 1689, 25). He makes a further assumption that God has given the world to men in common to use and to flourish (Locke, 1689, 26). These two assumptions along with a statement that man owns his person and labour, make the basis of his arguments for the right to private property (Locke, 1689, 27). Definitions Limits/provisos No-waste Various critiques of Lockes Treatises have identified sets of limits to what he advocates: (I) there should be no waste or destruction, (II) and that one should leave plenty, enough, and as good [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] in common for others (Locke, 1689, 27; MacPherson, 1962, pp. 210-212; Widerquist, 2010, pp. 7-11). Widerquist (2010, p. 8) also mentions a third proviso of charity among the scholarly interpretations of Lockean appropriation, but Locke (1689, 40-45) does not mention it directly in chapter five of his second book. In short, the first proviso -no-waste- asserts that property is to be used and enjoyed within bounds of reason, where nothing is destroyed or spoilt (Locke, 1689, 31; Widerquist, 2010, pp. 7-8). Locke (1689, 32,38,46) also argues that any appropriator can take as much as they can use, consume, and need but not anything more. Second proviso, enough and as good Justification Giving back/taking nothing Locke (1689, 27-37) even argues that an appropriator, by the act of using and benefitting from their property and creating plenty produce, is giving back to the common property. He goes as far as justifying enclosing land by demonstrating that the enough-and-as-good proviso ensures that the appropriator does as good as take nothing at all (Locke, 1689, 33; Widerquist, 2010, p. 9). Happiness/Plenty produced/value of labour In section 37 (Locke, 1689) he claims that owning and cultivating land increases human happiness. He makes a comparison between the quality of life that Native Americans had and people in Britain; redressing this argument in defence of capitalism (Locke, 1689, 37,41,43,46). Future Locke begins his theory of property in the state of nature. Money/invalidation of provisos Civil society/government When the Civil society is established these property rights can either become subject to social agreement or be carried over in their entirety and create a class-based social interaction where some have property and others dont (Widerquist, 2010, p. 20). Moreover, his provisos maybe be changed or used to justify government intervention (Widerquist, 2010, p. 20). Critique Contextual, Christianity Like any other theory, Lockes theory of property is not without problems. The first and most important of them is the reasons behind its creation. Locke was trying to reconcile Christianity with capitalism, two very different philosophies. Reconciling Christianity and capitalism Capitalism increases poverty, artificial wants, waste, and private property Locke argues, Utilitarianism is most important and most Christian Acknowledges and supports inequality and class system Argues common good is more important that common property Religious v secular Lockes theory of property is based on 17th century requirements of reconciling the church with the new ideas of capitalism. The first critiques that comes to mind is whether a reasonable argument for the religious society of almost 400 years ago still holds for more-or-less secular society of 21st century. It certainly makes a difference that the extent of the powers of the religious authority is far reduced since. Some scholars argue that more secular ideas like socialism or justice as fairness fit better with the requirements of our age. Unfairness Whether an argument based on religion is still valid or not, it is safe to assume that humankind has always been concerned with fairness. Locke (1689, 46-51) sees this fairness in the initial acquisition, when there was more than enough in nature for all to appropriate as they could. Locke supports inheritance of rights as fair but in the inherent inequality that ensues finds many on the wrong side of his argument. There are many incompatible definitions of fairness, but in considering the merits of Lockes theory, some scholars find the nullification of limits à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Conclusion

Friday, October 25, 2019

Gender Equity, Is It Really Important in the Classroom? Essay -- Teachi

Gender Equity, Is It Really Important in the Classroom? There are many differences between boys and girls in the classroom. Most people do not realize this, but it is a proven fact. Gender differences in math and science are very evident. Teachers subconsciously treat boys with a higher degree of respect when it comes to math and science than they do girls. The roles of boys and girls are set at very young ages (Butler and Damnjanovic, 1997). Actually, before they even start going to school their roles are learned from their parents. Most parents buy boy toys for boys and girl toys for girls, thus forming the behavior to which their children will become accustom. According to Dale Baker (2001), "Teachers call on boys more often than girls, ask boys more higher-order questions, give boys more extensive feedback, and use longer wait-time with boys than girls"(p 1). What teachers do not realize is that this puts a big impact on girl’s self-esteem and learning skills. Also, it is not that girls dislike math and science but they "lose courage over time"(Bond, 2001, p 1). In addition, according to research done by the New England Consortium for Undergraduate Science Education (NEWCUSE, 1996), Men tend to respond to questions more confidently, aggressively, and quickly, regardless of the quality of their responses; they tend to speak more freely and spontaneously in class, formulating their answers as they speak. Women, on the other hand, tend to wait longer to respond to a question in class, choosing their words carefully, reflecting on the question and constructing an answer before they speak. (p 4) I feel this is because boys have the reputation of being rambunctious and wild, while girls are supposed... ...18/01). Butler Kahle, J., Damnjanovic, A. (1997). How Research Helps Address Gender Equity[online]. Available: http://narst.org/research/gender2.htm. (3/18/01) Kober, N. (2001). What special problems do girls face in science? What can schools And Teachers do?[online]. Available: http://www.enc.org/topics/equity/articles/documents/1,1946,ACQ-111315- 1315,00.shtm. (3/18/01). NECUSE Colleges, Students at Brown University. (1996). Achieving Gender Equity in Science Classrooms.[online]. Available: http://www.brown.edu/Administration/Dean_ Of _the_College/homepginfo/equity/Equity_handbook.html. (3/18/01). Perez,C. (2001). Equity in the Standards-Based Elementary Mathematics Classroom [online]. Available: http://www.enc.org/topics/equity/stories/documents/0,1946,FOC -001768-index,00.shtm. (3/18/01).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Manging Time as an Adult Learner Essay

Being able to manage time as an adult is sometimes very difficult. Learning how to defeat this speed bump is truly easier than it looks. There are many types of learning, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The following essay will show you the simple ways of making learning easier and more fun for adult students. Motivation is generally defined as the force that compels us to action (Scuderi, Royale 2012). Finding the motivation to learn is hard for several students. There are several ways to get motivated to learn. The first step for a student is to master their motivation. To accomplish this you create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true (Chandler, Steve 2001). The problem with self motivation is that it is directly affected by age, marital status, and many other factors. For example, a single adult could have trouble focusing on work due to thoughts of weekend activities; where as a married adult may be focused on family time. Motivation is very important in everyday life. There are 6 different types of motivation that can be used by adult students. The first type incentive is when a person is expecting to gain some type of reward in exchange for their accomplished goals (Scuderi et al. , 2012). The second type is fear and is often used when the incentive fails to work (Scuderi et al. , 2012). The third, achievement, goes along with human nature, because people are driven to achieve goals and be the best at what they do (Scuderi et al. , 2012). Growth is the fourth type and is defined by the need to improve and expand knowledge (Scuderi et al. , 2012). The fifth type of motivation is power. According to Scuderi (2012); â€Å"the motivation of power can either take the form of a desire for autonomy or other desire to control others around us† (para. 7). The sixth type of motivation is social. This type is used by persons desire to be accepted by a specific peer group or to relate to people in their sphere of influence (Scuderi et al. , 2012). Knowing the types of motivation is important to learning, however, now it is up to the individual person to choose what type works for them. To find out what type to use is based on the social status of the person. For example, a single adult would use a different type of motivation than a married adult. Age and life experience would also be a part of the way an adult learner motivates themselves. No one can tell an adult how to motivate themselves, that is something they have to figure out themselves. The next step in preparing for college as an adult is figuring out what style of learning to use. According to Blackett & Weiss (2011); â€Å"A learning style can be defined as how you take in information, process it, and learn it† (ch. 3). The next thing to do is identify the different types of learning. The first and most common learning style is visual. Around 40% of all learners are visual learners (Blackett, K. & Weiss, P. 2011). If a student is a visual learner, they are likely to watch videos, look at pictures or graphs, even watch the body language of the instructor (Blackett & Weiss et al. , 2011). The next type of learning is the auditory learner, this covers about 30% of all learners (Blackett & Weiss et al. , 2011). These students learn best by listening to lectures or verbal directions as well (Blackett & Weiss et al. , 2011). A helpful tip for students that learn by listening is to bring an audio recorder to class. The last type of learning is the kinetic/tactile and covers around 15% of all learners (Blackett & Weiss et al. , 2011). These types of students learn best by hands-on work or physical activity (Blackett & Weiss et al. , 2011). A few ways to prepare for class with this type of learning is to; do your assignment more than once or work on one subject at a time (Blackett & Weiss et al. , 2011). Since the types of learning have been discovered, there has to be a way to ind which one works best for the individual student. Do not worry; there is a way to find out by taking a simple test. Upon completion of the test, the student should know what kind of learning style fits them best (Blackett & Weiss et al. , 2011). It is possible to have more than one learning style too. No matter what style of learning students use; these styles can change based on your personality and environment. If a student stil l has trouble learning then the student should turn to a tutor (Blackett & Weiss et al. , 2011). Now that we have learned the different types of motivation and learning, it is time to learn some tips to help as an adult learner. As Xponents. com (2012) explained Adult learners are different from their younger counterparts. They prefer to be self directed, they have accumulated a broader spectrum of life and work experience, they are goal and relevancy oriented, and they have a greater sense of immediacy than the typical high school graduate. (para. 2) One of the tips that can help adult learners is to develop time management. Making personal time to study is very important (xponents. om, 2012). A student should always treat their study time like it is class time (xponents. com, 2012). In modern times, if a person is considered a â€Å"multitasker†; more than likely that individual is looked up to. However, multitasking as an adult student can miss important information or even getting things mixed up (xponents. com, 2012). The next tip that can help you is to teach what y ou have learned to another person. It is helpful because it translates information into the persons own words and gauges others interpretation of what you have presented (xponents. com, 2012). Lastly, always look to keep learning and trying new things. A person’s brain is like a muscle, if it is not worked out enough then it can become weak (xponents. com, 2012). Students should always look to better themselves. The last bit of advice this paper will give the adult student is how to take college as a military service member. The kind of life style soldier students live can make it hard to be successful. While in the military, a student can pursue a degree or professional certification while at home, at sea, or even from a remote duty station (Military Advantage, Inc. 1999). Most of the time that soldiers are taking college courses, it will be online learning. Here are some tips to set a soldier up for success. The courses can be given by internet, video, audio, or print. So they need to make sure to test the components needed before the class starts (Military Advantage, Inc. 1999). Preparing for the class can be difficult. Single or married a soldier should talk to their roommate about certain quite times in order to complete the assigned work (Military Advantage, Inc. 1999). When the soldier is in a virtual classroom, they should still act like it is a real class room (Military Advantage, Inc. 999). The last thing is to be sure to get the course materials in advance (Military Advantage, Inc. 1999). Time management is a must for a soldier student. Married or single, the soldier needs to set up a regular study schedule that includes breaks (Military Advantage, Inc. 1999). Just because the soldier is taking online classes does not mean they cannot get tutoring, so do not try to learn everything alone (Military Advantage, Inc. 1999). If the student happens to be married then make plans with the spouse to take over some the chores around the house (Military Advantage, Inc. 999). Set aside some time on the weekend to spend with the kids or spouse, and plan ahead so there is no last minute cramming (Military Advantage, Inc. 1999). The following paper was written to inform adult students on how easy it can be to go to school for the first time, or even go back and finish. The person reading this should only take the information as a guideline and remember there is nothing wrong with asking other students or teachers for help. School can be fun if the person takes full advantage of the many ways to learn.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Compulsory Voting

Compulsory Voting Compulsory voting would result in a decrease in the quality and accuracy of voting results and political leadership. Countries such as Australia do not take many factors into consideration when they require their citizens to vote in local, state, and national elections. Compulsory voting causes skewed results and stress for citizens who are not physically fit or mentally competent enough to vote accurately. Apathy and uneducated citizens can result in invalid voting results.If all people were forced to vote, uneducated citizens who are not familiar with the issues and concerns on the ballot might cast random, careless votes. Voters who are complacent about their country’s government would also create skewed results because they are not likely to research the topics they vote on. Secondly, each individual who is knowledgeable has a greater impact on the final results. These citizens who are informed, keep up with current events, and take the time to vote volun tarily because they recognize the importance of it should be rewarded.In many countries, citizens do not have an influence in government decisions. In parts of the world where citizens have the right to vote, the only method to create an accurate representation of the desires of citizens is to leave voting voluntary, not compulsory. Implementing a required voting system would be inconsiderate to many people and would cause many negative effects in society. It does not take into account citizens who are elderly, mentally or physically incompetent, or struggling financially. For elderly people, leaving the home in order to vote may enervate them.Many other groups of people might find it challenging to vote, such as those who can not afford gas or a car to drive the voting site. Some may not own a TV or a computer to research the candidates or issues they are supposed to vote for. With everyday stresses such as children, work, and finances, adding voting as a requirement for all would cause chaos. The government would have to grant exceptions to some citizens who are unable to vote, possibly causing disorder and lawsuits in the court system from people who believe they should be excused from voting.In every nation, residents should be given the choice to participate in influencing government affairs if they so choose. It would prevent inaccurate results by not forcing citizens who are unaware of the candidates or issues to vote, and would reward those who voluntarily take time out of their day to vote and research the issues. Discrimination against people who are unable to vote would also not occur. Voting should be encouraged by the government, but enforcing it would impinge on citizens and would be a disservice to society.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Power of One essays

Power of One essays There are many things that could effect the lives of millions, but there is one thing that really stands out from the others, The Power of One. The important thing about the power of one person is that we need to look at what that one person is doing that is making a difference. One person can make a difference in someone else's life. If someone changes your entire life or your outlook on it, you can definitely agree to the power of one. Someone that can reach out to just one person's life is just as important as someone who can change the lives of millions. A person goes through many difficult times. Sometimes with others and sometimes on their own. Every person can change someone elses life just by giving them a simple smile. Life is tough and everyone must learn how to live on his or her own, otherwise it will be difficult to survive. In the movie, it shows that one person can change the world. That one person may not be able to do a whole lot physically to change the world, but one person has the power to inspire others to help that person change the world. It also shows very firmly that one person can set an example for others that may affect the outcome of any situation. One is very meaningful and significant. P.K. becomes a symbol of Christ by trying to make all the people respect each other. To not make people respect each other by their culture or color of skin, but by their content of their character. P.K. wants everyone to get along with each other. He tries to make the white people get along with the black people so there will not be any more prejudices. He tries to stop all the violence that is going on. P.K. thinks that the black community should be allowed in the white community as partners and friends. When he has to box to solve a myth, he fights his nanny's son who was born and raised at the same time. When he wins the fight, he decides to start a school for the African tribes, which is lat...

Monday, October 21, 2019

tcpip essays

tcpip essays TCP/IP already supports over 4.8 million hosts with up to 45-MBPS transit facilities and a wide variety of access links. Its architecture is evolving to support millions of end users, gigabit-per-second backbone links, and up to gigabit-per-second communication between individual pairs of end users. These three aspects of growth impose different requirements, but probably will evolve simultaneously. In the twenty- first century, Internet service may be nearly as useful and easy to use as a telephone service, enabling people to work with information resources and processors, regardless of their locations. Businesses and individuals can feel confident using TCP/IP now, because TCP/IP architecture is evolving to handle large, faster networks, that will continue to support todays applications, transmission media, and protocols, as well as new applications, transmissions media, and protocols. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Connect with Book Clubs

How to Connect with Book Clubs It can be difficult to find sources that allow authors access to book clubs. Clubs often like to choose their own books. So what’s an author to do if she doesn’t have a Top 5 publisher promoting her to clubs? Here are a few proven options that use a variety of methods and budgets to reach book clubs, plus free tips if you can’t afford the cost. For Book Club Lists: Where Writers Win Shari Stauch is CEO and creator of an online marketing site for emerging writers,  Where Writers Win. The site puts authors in charge of their own marketing for a reasonable annual fee. â€Å"Winner Circle is a place where you can find a list of vetted book clubs that you may approach and pitch your book as a book club selection.† The clubs on this site are up to date and open to pitches, and a template for querying clubs is provided. Writers such as William Lobb and J.C. Sasser have used it successfully. Both were picked up Stauch is offering a discount: $20 off the first year of membership; use code VIPW20 to pay $39.95. Visit  https://writerswin.com/join-today/  to sign up/access these book club lists. And This Free Tip:  Use Twitter and Goodreads to find book club bloggers, and check in at local libraries to see if they host book clubs. Some bookstores do as well. For Book Club Giveaways and Outreach: BookClubCookbook Since 2004,  BookClubCookbook.com  has been connecting fiction and nonfiction authors and publishers with thousands of devoted book discussion group members. I used them in 2010 and spoke to several book clubs that contacted me after finding the book on the site. They’ve grown exponentially since then. â€Å"It’s a loyal community of book lovers sharing books, recipes, and ideas to spice up book club discussions. . . . . Our promotions highlight messages from authors, book tours, book club speaking availability, and offer giveaways. We also provide author recipes and book club menu ideas, and are happy to help authors select or develop recipes to accompany their promotions,† writes cofounder Judy Gelman. See opportunities for authors and publishers. For children’s, MG, and YA authors, see the KidsBookClubbing. And This Free Tip:  Include contact information on your website specifically soliciting book clubs; join Skype for long distance interviews/talks. For Book Club Advertising: AuthorBuzz For me, AuthorBuzz was invaluable for putting me directly in touch with readers, increasing my mailing list Bookmovement advertises giveaways and new releases and provides reading guides and book lists to clubs. Contact either  AuthorBuzz.com  or  KidsBuzz.com  to start your promotional package. Packages can be customized, but the basic price for reaching this large number of book clubs is $750 for â€Å"BookClubbing.† Pricey, but this site has repeat customers and has launched many bestsellers. Note KidsBuzz has lower advertising rates. See kids pricing page.   And This Free Tip:  Posting on YouTube is free. Upload a video of you reading an excerpt and include a pitch to book clubs. Finally, be sure to develop a Reader’s Guide you can upload to your site or put at the back of the book, never be pushy when contacting clubs directly, and send thank you’s if you are selected or interviewed.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cost, Benefits and Effects of Inward Direct Investment Literature review

Cost, Benefits and Effects of Inward Direct Investment - Literature review Example According to Mondy (2013) Inward foreign direct investment is seen as a spillover superior technology hence extending to domestically owned firms. Foreign-owned firms are seen as the main cause for increasing wage levels in a host’s countries and also lead to higher productivity compared to local firms. Also, the impact of inward foreign direct investment is witnessed in promoting exports of host countries. There is a spillover of production skills which have transformed the economies of host countries (Mondy, 2013). Much of the impact is seen when knowledge of the world market is transferred from foreign-owned firms to domestically owned firms. Introduction FDI refers to Foreign Direct Investment; the investment can be into a business or production of the country by another country or an individual of another country. This investment can either be by expanding production of existing firms in the target country or by coming up with a new business in the target country.  In d eveloping countries, FDI and exports are the key elements that lead to the growth of this country’s economy. Countries which dominate the largest part of the world’s economy, for instance, United State of America are mainly foreign direct investors. Impacts of inward direct investment can either be long term or short term (Cainelli et al., 2004). Short term effects include an increase in the production of existing companies. On the other hand, long term effects include impairing local innovations as foreign investors tend to control the economy in the long run. Inward foreign direct investment It has been suggested Cainelli et al., (2004) inward foreign direct investment (IFDI) is said to encourage innovativeness on local firms, through investing in the existing local business. This will encourage the use of modern technology in productivity, leading to an increase in production by local firms. Cash flow in local firms will increase due to modern advanced technology. I ncrease in innovation levels by local firms is due to knowledge brought in by foreign investors to domestic investors. Creation of job opportunities is witnessed in local firms since there is an increase in the wage rate which makes domestic workers remain in a local firm. Outputs in local firms relatively increase due to the advancement in technical supply requirement leading to economic growth in target countries. It is also believed that investing in foreign companies and individual posses’ technological superiority comparative to those of host countries.

Friday, October 18, 2019

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - Essay Example J. Heinz Co’s Resources 40 Increase Competiveness 45 Long-term Sustainability 49 Corporate Social Responsibility 54 2.4 Porter’s Value Chain Framework 59 2.4.1 H. J. Heinz Co’s Porter’s Value Chain 59 3.0 Conclusion 70 4.0 Bibliography 73 1.0 Introduction H.J.Heinz Company was started in the year 1900 in Pennsylvania and it manufactures a vast range of food products throughout the world. The Company’s principal products include ketchup, condiments and sauces, frozen food, soups, beans and pasta meals, infant nutrition and other food products (HJ Heinz Company, 2005). The company is present in over 110 major locations worldwide, with leading brands on six continents. The Heinz brand is a $2.5 billion global icon and Heinz's top-15 power brands account for two-thirds of annual sales (HJ Heinz Company, 2006). With more than $8 billion in annual sales, Heinz's 50 companies have leading brands in more than 200 countries (HJ Heinz Company, 2009). In the year ending 2010, it achieved sales of $10.5 billion and gross profit of $3.8 billion (HJ Heinz Company, 2010). These positive results reflected increased innovation and marketing and dynamic growth in Emerging Markets. However, one of the core aspects of the company is also its unique lean production techniques which have played a major part in enhancing the efficiency of the company while at the same time managing to survive tough global markets especially for a US based company tackling recession. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Evaluation on H. J. Heinz Co 2.1.1 Definition of Lean Production Lean production simply means a manufacturing paradigm that improves product quality; reduce production costs and being able to respond to customer needs quickly (Radhakrishnan and Balasubramanian, 2008). The main principles of lean focus on the methods of creating a continuous improving culture that engages employees in reducing production time and material in order to meet custome r’s needs. Lean production also concentrates on systematic elimination of non-valued added activity of waste from the production and implementation process of lean principles (Chalice, 2007), which will contribute an improvement environment performance (Radhakrishnan and Balasubramanian, 2008). The term lean production can be traced to its origins with Japanese companies more specifically in the Automobile market which faced issues like lack of resources including financial and labour. At this stage of crisis, two employees of Toyota Motors namely Eiji Toyoda and Taiichi Ohno developed this unique concept to manage such a crisis focusing solely on terminating waste in a production or manufacturing process which is called as Lean Manufacturing in the western region. 2.1.2 H. J. Heinz Co’s Lean Production Being a global food processing company, Heinz critically needs to leverage its production aligning with its strategy of waste management. While the company has extensiv ely worked on various lean production and waste management cases, research will focus on one of the major cases of the company where waste management was successfully done Amongst its other global strategies, when Heinz chose to give priority to waste management, it realized that technology would be one of the key aspects if it were to successfully compete in the industry and reduce waste. After careful analysis of several competitive applications, Heinz chose an enterprise asset