Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Factors Affecting Consumers Acceptance of the MVM Technology Research Proposal

Essays on Factors Affecting Consumers Acceptance of the MVM Technology Research Proposal The paper â€Å"Factors Affecting Consumers’ Acceptance of MVM Technology† is a  perfect example of a research proposal on marketing. This study used Kinnear and Taylor's (1996) seven stages of the research process as the backbone of this research process. Aaker et al, (2007) addressed the importance of a research framework as it provides a systematic planned approach to a research project and ensures all the aspects within the research are consistent with each other.The choice of research approach depends very much on the nature of the research. (Aaker, et al 2007; Saunders et al 2003). Generally, there are two main types of approaches; 1) the Deductive approach and 2) an Inductive approach (Saunders at al 2003; Holmes, 2001). The inductive approach begins with data collection, examining the data, followed by forming hypotheses and then construct theories. (Saundes et al, 2003). Different from an inductive approach, the Deductive approach is the process of reaching a conclusion from previously known facts (premises) and it is dependent on its premises; if the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true. Likewise, a false premise can possibly lead to false results (Crow, L.D., PhD. and Crow, A.C., PhD. 1968; Holmes S.; Woolfolk, 2001).In this study, the researcher used a quantitative approach, which consisted of a customer survey. And before carrying out the survey, a Literature review has been undertaken in order to gain a piece of better knowledge about the existing factors influencing consumers’ acceptance of MVM Technology. Creating a Literature review is essential as it helps the researcher to build up the knowledge base of the possible factors relating to this subject. (Cooper Schindler 2001; Saunders et al, 2003) It was carried out to identify the possible factors influencing customers’ attitudes and intentions towards the MVM technology based on the extended TAM model. Afterward, the research framework and hypothes es of this study were developed based on the initial findings from the Literature review, and a quantitative customer questionnaire was conducted as a test for the hypotheses.Quantitative Research Method, according to Saunders et al (2003) is a systematic scientific investigation of properties and phenomena and their relationships; most commonly used in studying natural science, social sciences, or develop and employ mathematical models, theories, and hypotheses, which pertains to a natural phenomJustification of ResearchThe purpose of this customer questionnaire is to test the research framework and hypotheses through gathering information on knowledge, attitudes, opinions, behaviors, facts and other information needed which are related to the topic or subject under study. (Radhakrishna, R.B., 2007). It allows the respondents to have more time in considering their responses carefully without interference from an interviewer (Aaker et al, 2007; Saunders et al, 2003)The result of the questionnaire should allow the researcher to find out the relationship between variables developed in the research framework through exploring customers’ experiences in using the MVM system, the relationship between the usefulness and ease of using this system and the attitude and intention towards the technology. The target populations are both U.K. and U.S. consumers who aged from 18-35 Internet users and have knowledge in computers. (The reason for choosing internet users in UK and US is because the UK and US online shopping culture are more developed (Forrester research, 2005, Mintel, 2006) compare to other countries, also MyVirtualModel is so far adopted by US and UK base E-retailers.)

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